Nixtrainz, NTZ6, HO Scale, Decoder Buddy Motherboard for 21 Pin Decoder, Version 5B
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12 Output 1K Resistors
Walthers Part # 494-NTZ6
Decoder Buddy from Nix Trainz is a 21-pin-friendly replacement motherboard for the standard factory-supplied DCC 8-pin loco motherboard in many locomotives. It allows you to take full advantage of all the functions and features of the latest decoders. This board allows easy 21-pin decoder installs from vendors such as Digitrax, ESU, SoundTraxx, TCS and NCE!
Depending on your DCC decoder, up to 12 lighting functions are available. The Decoder Buddy board features amply sized soldering pads for your LED leads. LED installation is also possible with built-in resistors already on the Decoder Buddy board.
The benefits of the three Decoder Buddy models include:
- Popular 21-pin decoders from ESU, SoundTraxx, TCS, Digitrax, and NCE easily fit in Decoder Buddy's 21-pin socket
- 14-PIN V5 socket and plug with wire-outs for 12 output 21-pin decoder functions
- 14-pin plug fully removable for easy separation of loco shell and chassis
- "W" pad added for three-wire stay alive/capacitor units and is controlled by Aux 7!
- On-board/built-in resistors for LED lighting provided
- Specifiable resistors for function outputs available on request
- On board soldering pads for two and three wire stay alive
- Older 8-pin loco motherboard weaknesses solved with Decoder Buddy
- No more inaccessible JST connections
Decoder Buddy fits most HO and larger locomotives. The standard board measures 2.20 x 0.67 x 0.35" 56 x 17 x 9mm and a Decoder Buddy Mini is available for tighter installations.
Dimensions - Width x Length x Height
O.67" x 2.20" x 0.35"
17 mm x 56 mm x 9 mm
Example of an Installation can be found Here