Digitrax, BD4N, Occupancy Detector,4 Block Occupancy Detector
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▪ Low-cost, High-sensitivity DCC block-occupancy detection.
▪ Adjustable resistance/current detection section (DS) trip threshold.
▪ 8A capacity, suitable for all scales and track wiring configurations.
▪ Noise resistant and compatible with BDL168 sections.
▪ On-board status leds for stand-alone occupancy and track power indication,
expandable for optional LT5 or fascia mounted occupancy indicator leds.
▪ Plug and Play connections to simplify setup. Can cascade Booster wires.
▪ Isolated Occupancy output signal lines can drive most common signal system
or control interfaces.
▪ Compatible with DS64 and SE8 modules for signaling, control and reporting occupancy onto LocoNet.
Parts List
1 BD4N Quad Occupancy Detector 1 4-pin Power plug
1 4-pin DS plug 1 Instruction Sheet
BD4N Installation
The BD4N is simple to install, plug in and begin using on your layout.
1. It is recommended the BD4N be placed close to the DS's (detection sections)
to minimize the lighter gauge feeder resistances.
2. Connect the RailA and RailB bus from the Booster to the Power in connector,
matching adjacent power districts rail connection polarity. After installation
the red PWR led will light when the Booster track power is ON. Both the
RailA and RailB booster connections also are available on the Power connec-
tor to daisy-chain to additional units, up to 8amps total current draw.
3. Connect the four DS connections from the DS plug to the track sections to be
detected. The RailA connection is common to all DS sections as the "other
rail" for detection, refer to the drawing overleaf.
4. When the PWR led is ON the matching red DS leds will light when the min-
imum current draw is seen in that DS. If the OCC_TRIP pot is turned fully
CCW, the unit will need higher DS current to detect occupancy.
5. You can use the OCC_LEDS 10-pin header and ribbon cable to optionally
wire directly to remote leds on e.g. the fascia. If these leds are plugged in
they will automatically turn off the onboard indicator leds.
6. The 10-pin OCC_OUT header can use a ribbon cable to optionally expand to
a separate signaling or reporting device such as a DS54/64 or SE8 etc. The
four detection outputs in this cable are fully isolated, so can drive any type
of device safely. Be sure to wire the pin1/brown Common+ lead to a voltage
source to allow these occupancy signals to operate as shown in the figure
Please visit the Digitrax Website for more information about the BD4N